Always Time For Being A Hero & Scoring Some Goals For The Holidays & Next Year...

   Image Collections Wishes YOU & YOURS the brightest and best for the holidays and beyond into new year!....

       Go ahead and make some HOLIDAY MEMORIES you'll be proud of for the rest of your life....

       Always remember, it's quite possible and usually probable while your choices are resulting in saved experiences for yourself, differing versions through OTHER'S eyes are being filed away which very well may outlast your own, and, when perfected, the process can result in enrichments to FAR MORE than many of us can imagine....

      In the hustle & bustle of our modern 'always-on' 24 / 7 world, with communication's importance moving forward, & technology constantly pushing the boundaries of the ALREADY spellbindiing 21st Century, managing our own personal FLASH-like 'Speedforce' as we race through life becomes an ever-evolving skill set...

Isn't it ironic the true mastery of the art of it all is not merely in effectively navigating the dashing & darting nature of our own chosen accelerated lifestyes, but instead the true success of the accomplishment is usually judged by the merits of the efficiency of how we actually hinder it by decelerating down for its gifts...

By imposing upon the burdening aspects, sedating them with a proactive 'lead-foot' approach, by slowing down, we free ourseves towards many nutritional ingredients our lives generally are enlightened essence feeding us right down to our roots....

Handling, steering, & taking care of one's 'brake' time allows us to fill it with our own distinctive fuel, our spirited well spent break time, like with FAMILY, friends, or reading a great comic....

At a time of year universally known for exchanging gifts, it our hope you are continuing to excercize your creative prowess*, both in your physical gifts, and the intangible ones you leave behind as memories in the minds of those of who you interact with, as those pictures [all worth at least a thousand words each], are filed within the same drawer as those meant to inspire greatness....

Wouldn't it be wonderful to forever take pride knowing a few, or perhaps even one, image in that particular collection was referenced in creating THE EXTRAORDINARY....& all this in the year of the 'SELFIE'** 

Because, if there's anything here @ Image Collections that we know's the unique special quality of the results of using one's personal recipie mixing 'words' with 'pictures' to form the most scrumptious of feasts, sequential art storytelling!....

In fact,...we collect them....and hope you do too....  

....There's Always Time For Being A Hero & Scoring Some New Goals For The Holidays & Next Year......

    THANKS for a GREAT 2013....

     Have FUN, stay safe, and we'll see you soon..... :o)

[.... words written by TM Maple Leaf ]

Image Collections will be closed DEC 25th & JAN 1st......and WILL BE OPEN....DEC 26th BOXING DAY from 12 to 5pm

Also DEC 24 closing @ 5pm......DEC 31st closing @ 6pm

*prowess: 1. skill or expertise in a particular activity or field....or 2. bravery in battle...[either fit] ....DON'T FEEL BAD about just discovering this now--everyone who knew, didn't at one point, leaving them feeling just as energized about their educational enhancement potential as you do right now,...right?!?... :o)... .also, odds are, if you felt momentarily stumped, you now know how others, sometimes older, not that we're into stereotyping, might feel about the new word.... 

 **selfie: a self-taken picture, easily taken with a digital camera or cell phone, sometimes into a mirror..fashionable today as quick & easy to email, text, or upload to the internet. ....DON'T FEEL BAD about just discovering this now.... those crazy youngsters & hip oldsters are constantly making up new words just to keep us occupied so we don't have time to figure out the acronyms & new expanded contexts of the old ones... :o) <-----let alone all of the emoticons...] 

....some might argue, especially those who've spent any amount of time on our 'website' [*snicker*], we still haven't any clue... :o)

