Walking Dead Shocker!...It's Dethroned From #1 Bestseller by Space Fantasy Romance SAGA !
***********see below for more on 'THE WALKING DEAD' **********
SAGA Rockets Sales-wise...
as Romance / SCI-FI / Everything-But-The-Kitchen-Sink Mashup
Pleases Readers To No End...Of The Galaxy!
2012's Break-Out Hit Series 'SAGA' by publisher IMAGE is fast becoming 2013's go-to 'must-read', as its content-heavy storytelling, by Y the Last Man's writer [along with RUNAWAYS, PRIDE OF BAGHDAD, EX MACHINA] BRIAN K. VAUGHAN pushes buttons, driving an intergalactic war with solid characters of all clans through a fully shocking, yet satisfyingly worthy mature read for those comfortable racing in the pot-holed speed lane....
While Image Comics THE WALKING DEAD had held on & off [but mostly on] to the #1 BESTSELLER SPOT for most of the past 3 years, due to its exceptional drama, relatable characters, and shocking plot-twists [...only some of which are seen in the obviously helping-to-sell-some-books hit AMC TV-SERIES...], it seems a new off-beat, off-planet, of-all-things...ROMANCE title is taking a bite out of 'Zombie-Madness's thunder!
SAGA is slightly comparable to the popular & multi-award-winning FABLES, a Vertigo* title unspooling the tales of fictitious fables exiled to reality; existing secretly and trying to get back to their stories, bending the rules while avoiding interactions with 'mundies' [us]. With Snow White leader of their faux government, and many doing as they please, writer Bill Willingham's possibilities, just like it's species count, are essentially endless...
[ *Vertigo = sophisticated storytelling for a 'literate audience']
Another FEMALE-FRIENDLY Hall-Of-Fame caliber title STRANGERS IN PARADISE details the sometimes madcap, sometimes deadly serious lives of two realistic [example: one's 'plumpful anxiety'] women who's lives are turned upside down by the [non-x-men] gambits they've taken with men and those politically above & below the law...