Mark Millar: The Mildly Sneaky Guy Tries To Take Over The Comic Industry With...Egads!...Great Writing...
There is one Mr Mark Millar who is scampering underfoot us all, pulling strings which unbeknownst to those who seldom look down, are slowly and purposefully moving towards a clamoring thunderstrike which will rock....and roll out the New Age Of Storytelling With Images...
How he is doing it all is unclear at this time, though he has been spotted frolicking with all sorts within the comic industry, carefully constructing The End....& The Beginning of his domination of the contemporay part of our medium...
Should we stop him?....Could we stop him?....
Take a LOOK AT these tidy bits of recent evidence.....
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Dave Gibbons
From The Writer Of Kick-Ass And The Artist Of Watchmen Comes A Collaboration Decades In The Making....
Says Writer Mark Millar:....."Secret Service Is The Ramifications Of [How] America Is Struggling On The World Stage, Funding Is Being Seriously Undercut To Balance The Books And Some People Are Trying Their Best To Take Advantage Of The Fragile Global Situation. The Hero And Sidekick Guys Who Lead The Book Are, I Think, The Best Characters I've Written....
[[[[Product Update (1/9/2012): The price has changed from $3.99 to the new price of $2.99.]]] [see 'kiddies'*....popularity breeds SAVINGS! ;o]
WE SAY......
Almost EVERY Mark Millar project over the last 5 YEARS has lead to 'instant hit' status [see SUPERCROOKS #1 below], so it's no surprise this should do well....
Add to that, the mixture of a very solid, legendary [thanks to WATCHMEN] artist Dave Gibbons [fresh from a TON of publicity about the upcoming WATCHMEN PREQUELS [....coming sometime this year]], a QUASI-POLITICAL PLOT, the 'name-recognition' of a HIGH RANKING SECURITY CLASS [protecting the prez], and it becomes a very worthy read!
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Leinil Francis Yu
When The Market Is Flooded With Competition And The Authorities Are Always On Your Tail, What's An All-American Supervillain To Do? Go To Spain, Of Course! From The Writer Who Brought You Kick-Ass And The Artist Of Secret Invasion Comes A New Series About A Team Of Superpowered Ne'er-Do-Wells Looking To Pull Off One Last Heist In The Land Of Bullfighting And Delicious Churros.
32 Pgs./Mature ...$3.99
Product Update (1/9/2012): The price has changed from $3.99 to the new price of $2.99 [see 'kiddies'*....Who says Mark Millar doesn't have a heart**... ;o]
* 'kiddies' in this case refers to 'kids@heart' as ALL of MARK [ "I wrote 'Kick A$$' !" ] MILLAR'S projects [...and there's MANY of 'em!...] are for 'mature-er readers than one might expect....'
** We here @ Image Collections know PERFECTLY WELL that MARK [ ...."I wrote 'CIVIL WAR' where a bunch of heroes heroically beat-up another bunch of heroes for being heroic unheroically..."] MILLAR really DOES love children, cares for developing future comic readers, enjoys the occasional non-threatening HUG, & would probably deny the existence of an intergalactic agenda advocating the expulsion of the label of ALL-AGES from sequential artistry if one ever became sentiently interested in revealing itself, even IF he isn't writing peachy-clean, warm & fuzzy, kid-friendly fare......[ wow, our cutting-edge sappily written satire never gets through, though it sure gets old pretty quick when compared to the number of lost readers since the start of this paragraph :o)....Shy sharply-witted sheepishness, it seems, is NOTHING when compared to the powerful lobbying of the DARK SIDE that is reality!.....Besides, Mark Millar DID care tremendously when writing his exceptional 'youthly' fun-filled readings back in 'SUPERMAN ADVENTURES', didn't he?....]
As noted above [...before the wierd stuff...], Mark Millar's selected projects tend to consist of high quality writing with top notch art and yet still somehow always end up under-the-radar and in most cases with each issue going through multiple printings [...that STILL sell out].
In this case, Leinil [NEW AVENGERS] Francis Yu will be providing the visuals, as he did with Millar's SHAZAM-like 'SUPERIOR' last year, meaning there's a solid case the creative team will gel even futher in this go-around....
MARK MILLAR's OTHER Dark Past Scribbling Has Produced:...[Along With Our Own Image Collections [I.C.] Rating out of 5 STARS.....]
1.----CIVIL WAR.....a messy, yet tight MARVEL crossover that left the MARVEL UNIVERSE in a tattered, but 'stately' state of being worldly worthy again... --- I.C. Rating of ***** 5/5
2.------WANTED....slightly like the A.Jolie movie, a deeply darkened look at a geek gone black, suddenly pushed into a past unknown, instantly he's the MOST WANTED!!! --- I.C. Rating of ***** 4.5/5
3.------OLD MAN one would believe it, a passive cowardly WOLVERINE, unprepared for a trip across a barren future U.S.A! --- I.C. Rating of **** 4/5
4.------NEMESIS......This twice-as-rich anti-BATMAN epitomises the game-playing psychopathic loser who wins only if society can be broken! --- I.C. Rating of ***** 5/5
5.------THE ULTIMATES....Pity has no place in the political 'superfication' of America even when it gets in the way of its own Avengers-like ULTIMATE COMICS-line members! --- I.C. Rating of ***** 5/5
6.------FANTASTIC FOUR & the ULTIMATE COMICS' FF....Introducing wild science and the MARVEL ZOMBIES, both tiltles dripped SCI-FI notions into every scene! --- I.C. Rating of **** 4/5 & --- I.C. Rating of ***** 4/5
7.-------The AUTHORITY.....He followed Legendary writer Warren Ellis on a First-Generational team of anti-heroes caught up in uncaring for the sacrality of our human realities--- I.C. Rating of ***** 4.5/5
Now it's YOUR TURN to tell us what YOU think.....Is Mark Millar still on the side of the angels?...
..The MUCH-acclaimed [and Mark Millar-written] smash MARVEL UNIVERSE series which poses 'police state' questions about the implications of imposing heroic figures at large, the 2006 title 'CIVIL WAR', simply one of the best selling [for good reasons :o] collections in MARVEL's [and Image Collections] history.... NOW a great 'CIVIL WAR' NOVEL [...hint: LOTS MORE words, LOT fewer pictures..] with both HARDCOVER & SOFTCOVER [...soon] versions!
thinks you 2 have some hidden writing or artistic talent you've been denying the world.......
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